If you have a fault with a street light near you, please report it using the contact form.
Please provide as much detail as possible to help us identify the location of the faulty street light. If possible, please provide the unit number which is typically displayed on a label on the side of the column in the following format L12ABC. For the majority of faults we will attend site within five days.
If you believe the fault is an emergency, such as a street light has been involved in a road traffic incident, please report the fault by calling us on 0800 032 4907.
"*" indicates required fields
Across the city, a street light switch off will be in place from May 2024. The majority of the PFI street lights, outside the city centre, will be switched off on Sunday to Thursday 00:00 – 05:30am and Friday to Saturday 01:00-05:30am.
Please note, any reports of street lights not working during these times will remain switched off.
For further information on Coventry City Council’s street lighting switch off click on button below.